How my journey began

Darneisha B

Darneisha B


January 1st 2020, my best friend of 30 years committed suicide. March 2020, the COVID pandemic hit. I was in a dark place, working full time on the front lines as a Bank Manager , gained 20 pounds and then my Grandfather passed away from COVID. I found a health and wellness company that had amazing products that I start using, which help me lose 48 pounds. I changed my diet, became a pescatarian, start incorporating spiritual and personal development and just became obsessed with my health and wellness along my journey. As a Bank Manager 80% of my job is to develop and coach employees to achieve and exceed their goals. With 13 years of that experience I thought it just made sense to use those skills and experience by becoming a Certified Health, Wellness and Life Coach. I’m so excited to help and show others that with small steps and wins you can achieve goals and more!

I reside in Southern California, married and is a mother to two young men.

Professional Certificates

High Performance Leadership
Psychology of Leadership
Health and Wellness Coach

Financial Fitness Coach

Life Coach

Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you activate it.