
Do you have goals and put them on a calendar or in a checklist, and put a driving force behind your WHY, would you go after your dreams? ⁠

Would you develop the “no matter what it takes” mentality. Would you fail your way to success, never losing enthusiasm? ⁠

What will it take for you to believe in yourself FULLY that you deserve what it is that you’re longing for? ⁠

What will it take to put some grind behind that prayer? Some work after that manifestation? Some positive self-talk behind that affirmation? ⁠

What will it take? How important is it REALLY for you to achieve your dreams and goals? ⁠

If you need a little motivation or help with this, schedule a free 30min discovery call with me. I can help 🤗


Journal 📓 Prompts


Today’s Scripture from my devotional