Journal 📓 Prompts

✨Journaling Prompts to feel happier in life right now ✨⁠

There’s a huge misunderstanding that journal prompts are superficial questions which don’t help you at all.⁠

If you feel life is stagnant or getting challenging, it’s time to turn inwards! ⁠

And get clear how you can move forward in the BEST way. Imagine feeling inspired + motivated in minutes!⁠

⭐One way to do this is with journal prompts:⁠

1. An act of kindness I did for someone else was:

2. My most memorable moment of the day was:

3. I am grateful for:

4. My guiding mantra will be

5. My top priorities are:

6. I want others to experience me as:

⭐⭐Want to change your mindset + improve your health and wellness ? Schedule a free 30min discovery call with me by clicking the get started option on this page!


Self Care

