4 tips on being a successful women entrepreneur

🌟My definition of prioritizing yourself is keeping promises to yourself. Making your business, your thoughts, your habits, your mindset top priority. This is true self care.

🌟Speaking of self care…the highest form of self care is one of hour of personal development in the morning. It’s time to establish your morning routine.

🌟Commit to excellence- Listen, there’s a difference between excellence and perfection. At the end of the day, you should be able to say, I did my very best.

🌟Adapt and learn continuously- I say this often but you can’t be lazy and learning and passive and personal development. That means read the book, listen to the podcast, attend the training.

And most importantly, KEEP GOING…….


3 Things you need to Stop doing or you’ll kill your business


Devotional shared during journaling Zoom…