3 Things you need to Stop doing or you’ll kill your business

1. Stop the comparison game.

Have you ever heard the quote, “don’t compare your chapter one with someone else’s chapter 20?” It’s so easy to see EVERYTHING that EVERYONE is doing these days with social media, from their meals to house decorations, vacations to business wins, anniversaries to weight loss to make up routines. It’s so easy to see where someone is now and compare yourself to where you are now without seeing what it took to get there. People post their picture at the top of Everest but don’t post the losses on the climb. If you’re going to look left or right, only look for inspiration or to cheer on a fellow entrepreneur. God is just as invested in your chapter one as He is in her chapter twenty.

2. Stop being so focused on the results that you forget to embrace the journey.

Whew, I could write a novel on this one because it’s probably the thing I struggle with the most. I like results. I like goals. I like making my mind up and doing the thing. What I don’t like is the journey to get to the results, the goal, and completing the thing. And yet that’s where the magic happens. That’s where the growth and maturity and discipline foundation is laid. It’s not in the completion of the goal but in the minutes you showed up even when you didn’t feel like it. Don’t be so results focused that you skip over all that God wants to teach you on the journey.

3. Stop minimizing the small wins.

Do you know what it takes to experience big success? A lot of little wins that you stack one on top of the other. Did you get out of bed when you wanted to sleep in? That’s a win. Did you make the phone call, eat the salad, read the self-development book, send the message, make time for the follow up? All wins. And wins stack up. I could write another novel here about the years I lost in the mindset of all or nothing. My days were either a monumental win or I thought they were a failure and I still fight the “all or nothing” battle. But I’m learning how to embrace the small wins and learning how to stack them up every day. That’s where the real winning happens; showing up day in and day out even when it doesn’t feel like a win.


Sharing an article I read.. good insight


4 tips on being a successful women entrepreneur