Devotional shared during Journaling Zoom

Here’s the devotional that was shared from Exodus 14:4:

Setbacks Are Setups

In the book of Exodus, God told Moses to tell Pharaoh, “Let My people go.” But God knew that Pharaoh would refuse, so He caused him to harden his heart so He could bring great glory at the expense of Pharaoh. God was setting up the odds to be against the Israelites so He could show His favor. In a similar way, you may not like it that some people and circumstances have come against you; it isn’t fair, but it is ordained by God—not to stop or defeat you, but so God can show out in your life. Now quit complaining and asking, “Why am I facing these odds?” If you stay in faith, it’s just a matter of time before God turns around those obstacles and uses them to push you forward.

When it feels like the odds are against you, don’t fall apart. It’s a setup. God is about to do something that people cannot deny. They are going to know the Lord is on your side.

Join us on Tuesday September 14th for our next session.

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